The holiday can be the best time because you get to indulge in spending time with family and enjoy amazing treats. The holiday season has things to look forward to, but also things we dread. We spend the most money during this season, which can cause stress. We spend a lot of time with our family, which we are thankful for, but realize why we only spend a certain amount of time with them in intervals. Let’s face it, holidays, when not properly prepared for, can be overwhelming. Here are five tips to help you stay prepared and have a healthy, bright holiday season.
Maintain balance
Balance is very important in your everyday life, but it is extremely important during the holiday season. Without balance in your routines, habits, and diet, you can end up feeling drained or even worse, find yourself getting sick. You can still have fun and get things done during the holidays. I know that sometimes things can get a little crazy and maintaining balance can feel hard; just try not to be too hard on yourself. Do the best you can everyday and I promise you will feel better. It will prevent you from feeling stuck and allow you to have your fun while being productive.
Stay active
I know in our busy day to day life it can be hard to find time to exercise, but staying active will help you stay healthy and happy. Find an activity that makes you feel good; that could even be just going for hikes and enjoying the crisp weather. Whatever it may be, exercise is exercise and all types of exercise increases your serotonin, causing you to feel happier. Maybe it’s time to finally take advantage of that gym membership. If you aren’t an active person, this is the best time to create a new resolution and get to it! Stay ahead of all those sweet treats you will be enjoying this season. The holiday season is the perfect time to strengthen your healthy habits going into the new year.
Stick to a budget
The best way to help decrease stress is to stick to a budget. I think during the holiday season one of the biggest thing that causes stress during the holidays is how much money we spend. In order to keep our bank account healthy this season, prepare for your holidays by planning ahead and budget accordingly. I like to start planning around mid November, and I split up the cost from each person in my family throughout November to December. That way, I have more time to plan and I’m less stressed about how I’m going to spend X amount of money for the holidays. Also, I get my Christmas shopping done earlier so I don’t have to spend all my free time in December Christmas shopping. The important thing is that you figure out what works best for you and stick to it.
Take time for yourself
Make sure you take time for yourself; I know we love spending time with family and sometimes the holidays are the only time we get to spend with our family. However, sometimes being around family can be stressful and overwhelming. You need your time to recharge and take time for yourself, so you can be the best you can be for your family. I promise you that taking time for yourself is not wrong or selfish, it is very important. Whether that be just taking some time in the evening for yourself to read a book you love, or maybe even taking a nap because it’s needed. Regardless of what it may include, just make sure you are giving yourself what you need and creating balance within wants and spending time with family.
Detox from social media
Spending some time away from social media, I know that sounds like a weird suggestion. However, the holidays are a time to be grateful and really enjoy your time with your family. Disconnecting from social media and fully submerging yourself in the moment and being grateful for every moment you encounter can benefit your holiday experience. Taking a break from social media can allow you to stay grateful for what you have, and not feel self conscious by seeing what other people have and/or are doing.
The holidays can be the best and worst times for people, mostly because of stress. I think by: maintaining balance, staying active, sticking to a budget, taking time for yourself, and taking time from social media can cause your holidays to be less stressful. The important thing is that you are taking care of yourself and putting yourself first. I know that putting yourself first during the holidays can be hard, but trust me, you will be no good if you are drained and stressed. Some other things that could be helpful for a happy holiday season is practicing mindfulness and limiting your substance intake. As always, if you are feeling very depressed or sad please seek a professional who can properly assist you. We hope you have a bright and cheerful holiday.
Always remember we have many resources to help you take care of yourself or even take time for yourself. Feel free to make an appointment to get your hair done to feel your best during the holiday season. Also, we have many spa services to help you relax, unwind, or provide pain relief.